Sunday, August 29, 2010

Confronting Matters Concerning Relationships

Very often we find unable to take a stand on matters concerning our relationships. Especially when it concerns our relationship with our girlfriend, then it calls for a serious introspection.
You should stay put in the relationship only if you are happy at heart and this should be the only consideration to keep it going.
If things are not ok between the two of you, you both should decide to give it a try and see or decide to breakup and part and get on with your lives.
Of course, you do not expect to be happy the minute you leave your girlfriend. It does hurt. But over a period of time you will get over it and make room for a new relationship.
Sometimes it does happen that no matter what you do, you feel moody and bad. It could just be one of those days. Don't let that wear you down.
You will know when your connection with your girlfriend has broken and it is over. No matter even if you both live together, when it is over you know it for yourself. It is better to let go and open new chapter in your life than to expect things to happen with your girlfriend and magic to come back into your relationship.
Have you tried talking this out with each other? For all you know your girlfriend may be clue less about your feelings and not aware of how you feel about the whole thing. Don't you think you should sit down and have a frank talk with her and see if she is able to make some changes that can help both of you improve your relationship?
You do need to give ample opportunities until you are convinced that things are not working out and that it is back to where it started. Then of course there is no point in suffering further and let go.
 By Val McQueen