Saturday, August 21, 2010

How to Restore Trust in a Relationship to Get Your Ex Back After an Affair

A very delicate issue in a relationship is how to get your ex back after an affair and when the trust which held your relationship has been shattered. Do not panic because it is possible to reconcile if you do your very best.
Firstly, you should start by establishing trust in your relationship again. For this, you will need to make changes in the way you do things and in the attitude which led you to stray. See what gave rise to this problem in your relationship and what you can do on your behalf to fix it.
Maybe your ex was not responding to your needs and he/she was not there for you when you most needed him/her because your ex was caught up with something more important.
You have gone through it once; you would not want a second time to come. So, make sure that this time you consolidate the foundation of your relationship well. This implies going to counselor who is going to see where the real problem lies and help you to restore trust in your relationship.
The rest depends on the extent to which you are willing and determined to take actions to obtain positive result6s.
Getting back with your ex will require you to apologize primarily and you should truly mean it. This is vital for your relationship.
Also, try to do small things which will make him/her gradually trust you. You really need to demonstrate that you can be trusted again. Be ready to give your ex time if he/she needs it.
You need to free yourself from the guilt that you are feeling. You should not give your ex the opportunity to see that have any negative feeling.
If you both do your share of job, your relationship will grow stronger than before as you will both grow from this experience.
I would also like to recommend the following two resources that are specifically geared towards winning back the boyfriend or the girlfriend.
By Erica Connella