Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How to Keep Your Long Term Relationship Alive

By Alex Ryan

Couples who have been together a long time have a tendency to take their relationship for granted. Taking a relationship for granted may have a detrimental impact.
If you want your relationship to last, do not forget to keep dating your partner. This is often scoffed at and deemed unnecessary. Dates are simple and effective. They should not be overlooked. Romance is needed to keep a relationship solid. A date is a way to help this.
Sparks still need to fly in a marriage. Dating can make this happen. They do not have to be fancy dates with tons of money spent. Simple and thoughtful is better.
Alone time is essential. Couples need to be separated for everyone else for a time on a regular basis. Love and romance can be kept alive just with the simple act of dating.
Dating is imperative so your spouse does not assume that you do not want to spend time with them. Women often assume that their spouse is embarrassed to be seen with them. Lack of dating can also induce boredom and conclusions that a spouse does not care for the other anymore.
Decide you are committing to regular dating with your partner. It is acceptable to go on the same kind of date every time but try to mix it up.
Expand your horizons. Do something that you have never done with your spouse before. This can create romance and bring a spark back to a relationship.
Married couples with kids have the added challenge of needing someone to watch the kids. Be willing to hire a babysitter or have a friend or family member take care of the kids. The kids will be better off with your relationship being stronger. Dating can help your sexual relationship as well, particularly if you are able to get some secluded time for this.